14 Dec 2013

Animals of Montreal

Our blog today features a set of images from our first Photographer's personal collection and featured in the Convozine series 'Animals of Montreal'. Street Photography is a discipline like none other to develop a style and to learn how to manage natural light. Éric, our first Photographer - http://www.fotoiso3200.com/#!à-propos - is an avid street Photography performer

Along the way, during street Photography sessions, you will stubble upon animals sooner or later. Going about their daily behaviors, they will pose, or not. Effectively capturing them in a good light, a good pose, and well focused isn't the easiest of tasks. Their constant moving and unpredictable behaviors represents a Photography challenge. I can hear some of you cry 'far fetched !' not at all I will answer ; anyone who as tried capturing interesting Photographs of animals know that it is a challenge.

Next time you are out on a street Photography session, consider animals as subjects in their urban setting ; you just may capture classics such as frame 3 of today's blog

Tout droits réservés - All rights reserved : FOTOISO3200/2013

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