7 Nov 2014

The other Montreal ; some of what you haven't seen

The Other Montreal

Sometimes you just don't know every place in your town, much less observe them. We love capturing these little unseen corners of our city. We enjoy the fresh look at Montreal and we think you just may enjoy these not so notorious places as well. Discover in this gallery places you may have glanced at briefly before or never seen

Our home hub 'The Quartier Latin' as seen from more modern buildings

These back alleys can yield quite the sight, giving you the impression you could be in any town in the world but yours

Some of these alleys are our favorites and we keep coming back to them so often, capturing them in a different light, with different passerby.

Some buildings are unrecognizable from behind (above : former Simpson's department store now Simon's)

Others seem totally new if captured in a different perspective

We never get tired of these delightful late 19th and early 20th century Victorian houses (above : in Milton Park)

Not just another church

You can see what never changes and what does in just a few minutes merely street corners in distance ; some spots are just identical each time we pass by and then there are these seemingly new towns going up.

Photos & text : Éric Soucy - FOTOTOURMONTRÉAL

tous droits réservés >FI3200/2014 all rights reserved

We are the reference in guided urban and architecture photography tours in Montreal

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