3 Apr 2014

Montreal Metro from the Hill Side

Here is the downtown core of Montreal as seen from the hill side of Mount-Royal.
The Mountain is the heart of Montreal.

In this Blog post we will let go of the photographic theory and camera settings to emphasize on letting the images speak for themselves.

above : the belvedere

In the distance we can see the mighty Saint-Laurence river, 3rd longest in the world and first in water debit per cubic feet. It is the water way of the North American great lakes to the Atlantic ocean through the provinces of Ontario & Quebec. (about 5 km away in the picture above)

above : the hôtel & financial district (north america's 7th most important financial center)

above : the east side of the city and the core of downtown

above : the west side of downtown & westmount with Nun's Island in the distance

above : Peel street and the Champlain bridge in the distance (Canada's busiest bridge)

Tous droits réservés - all rights reserved : FOTOISO3200/2014

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