29 Aug 2014

...city changes... same heart

...city changes... same heart

The City is an ever-changing organism and nothing is more obvious that this right now in Montreal

Deconstruction, construction and even re-construction - as in the example above - the Voyageur square saga will finally get a real-estate outcome

There are many reasons why city's change, but mostly it is social and economic evolution that determines the nature of the changes a city will live through. However, culture has a major impact as well

Old becomes new again and the new turns to abandoned decay. Such is the nature of economic and urban development cycles.

Some of our decaying infrastructures and installations are preserved for reasons of heritage and future touristic considerations - like below, some of the Silo#5 installations. To locals who don't have a clue why it is still there being preserved ; ask tourists what impact it has on them when they set their eyes on it in the old port

From empty lots and fields new structures of the city are borne

Some hidden treasures covered in new outfits from some 70's and 80's doubtful renovations are being uncovered of their maladroit attempts at modernization - such as below, this delightful theater being restored in the Mile-End

Montreal will never cease to surprise ; despite it's many troubles it is home to Canada's largest construction site - below, the 2 billion dollar super hospital downtown. Seven skyscrapers are being built in the same time and in the same neighborhood near Bell Center.

The Red Light continues its rehab adding cultural infrastructures and urban condos left and right

Griffintown and the Old Shaughnessy Ghetto are being upgraded with new infrastructures and massive real estate investments

You can always talk trash about Montreal, but its reluctant future, its glorious past and its aspirations are closely intertwined and no matter how hard others try to sink it, its solid stone heart will always beat, because special places are just what they are, special

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