16 Sept 2014

The End of Town

The Edge of Town

The End of Town

In this wasteland live street people ; it isn't a joke

In those thicker bushes and mini urban woods, as seen in the first 2 images of this post, there are paths and small patches of sand and rock, where makeshift camps have been set up. There you can run into improvised garbage bag 2x4 shelters and even open air kitchens made of recuperated hardware. You can find there fireplaces and bicycles with a small trailer attached. You can actually see these street people riding their bikes and trailer during day in adjacent hochelaga district's streets going through domestic and industrial trash. Like a subtle, unremarkable dump society such as they exist in the worst favalas of Brazil, this street people neighbourhood is for real and there are at least two in Montreal : out west we can find another one along expressway 220 and the turcot interchange. I will take pictures there one day to destroy anyones temptation to succumb to stereotypes about hochelaga.

Olympic stadium in the distance stands in a remarkable ironic backdrop to the economic failure of east end Montreal

In the distance is part of the Port of Montreal, largest inland port and 4th overall largest in north america.

text & photos : Éric Soucy_FOTOISO3200_2014
an >FI3200/ bLOG

We are the photo tour specialists in Montreal

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