29 Sept 2014

Oasis Montreal International Marathon 2014

 Oasis Montreal International Marathon 24th edition was one remarkable event. The weather, far from ideal for the runners, hot, was perfect for spectators indeed. Mostly, the record number of runners, 35 000, and the next to flawless organization made this day special

The existence of a the Montreal Marathon dates back 35 years. The new organisation took over in 2003 after a 12 year break for the event. The city's marathon has made a reputation for good organization through the decades and undoubtedly because of the spectacular scenes the city offers to runners and competitors

 This year's winner, American runner Ben Bruce completed the 26 mile run in 2h22min38sec

This year, 45 countries where represented in the race

 Winner of women's was Canadian runner Joanne Normand in 3h01min27sec

The Marathon gains in popularity amongst citizens of the city and of the greater Montreal area including regions farther out such as Quebec City and New England. It has become a family event as well as a sports event

Next year's edition, 25th, is already in the works and will be held on September 20th 2015 with a start line on the Jacques-Cartier bridge span where it has always been held

As for us, we had very little time for the shoot coverage hence we opted for a mid-course location on Berri street just before the Berri trench hill downtown

We insisted on showing the runners and prevalent light and weather in the images, but we also wanted to show the event dimension of the marathon by illustrating course side onlookers and fans

The Berri trench hill is the last important hill of the course and a significant obstacle to success as it is just before the classic wall phenomenon of early second half of the 26miles, hence why it is seen as the first most difficult part of the run for most participants.

Photos & text : Éric Soucy FOTOTOURMONTRÉAL

We are the reference in guided urban and architecture photography tours

tous droits réservés >FI3200/2014 all rights reserved

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