27 Dec 2013

Architectural frustrations

Architecture Photography, although it is possibly our most advanced specialty, we have scored very few contracts or gigs of any sort for architectural photography assignments. Call it bad marketing, bad luck or bad karma, not performing in our highest competence can be quite the frustrating experience.

Don't get us wrong, we are not complaining about our situation, we perform event, portrait, press, corporate and product Photography in paid assignments all year long and so we are grateful and blessed. But architectural photography is the discipline we outdo ourselves the most in and we thought we should point this out in the hopes of creating some awareness in our entourage.

Why is architecture Photography one of our best assets?

Our first Photographer has dabbled in architecture in an informal but serious way for three decades already. No kidding.

Since age 11, Eric has accumulated dozens of architectural drawings and paintings salvaged from hundreds produced over time. His drawings are a witness to his fascination - an obsession really - about architecture. Books have accumulated on his book shelves over the same period of time and believe me they haven't served as coffee table books for guests ; they are looked at, read and studied time and time again.

The forever fascination of Éric with architecture has transposed to Photography even before he started performing with this art, from photographic imagination.

Through the decades of performing other art disciplines such as drawing, painting and music, that were all deeply influenced by architecture, Éric has printed a many architectural fantasies in his mind simply by observing time and time again the city's architectural pieces and infrastructures.

When, finally, he purchased his first dslr, all this imagination started coming together in digital form.

Architectural Photography will remain, regardless of success in landing contracts for that discipline or not, our first Photographer's number one passion and his go to Photography for improving his art.

Tout droits réservés - All rights reserved : FOTOISO3200/2013

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