18 Feb 2014

The Atlantis Series

The Atlantis series Photographs was done in the summer of 2011 and they are today's Blog feature. It is a very important set of images to us for many different reasons.

Eric : Back then Photography was an exploratory pass-time for me. A serious pass-time mind you ; I always take art seriously even if I am an amateur at it. Which is precisely what I was in the summer of 2011. I must say I had a head start being a painter and an electronic musician with a passion for architecture. Hence composition and cinematics wasn't actually totally foreign to me. Throughout that year the street photography pass-time became more and more serious and the Atlantis set stood out as my ideal in style and treatment. It spun off a project called Cinematics - http://convozine.com/cinematics - and it was the Web Zine's first post. The little girl, who was an informal lifestyle subject, seemed totally unreal in the architectural setting. There was no set-up, she was in the basin with her family nearby, totally unaware of the clicking.

Throughout 2012, the Photography pass-time turned pro-am with small contracts ; my passion grew fast. The Atlantis series grew on me as well and served as an inspiration for so many more projects. A year after I took these it became clear that the Atlantis girl was going to become my trademark image in what was going to become a full fledged pro project - http://www.fotoiso3200.com/ - In late 2013, FOTOISO3200 took its business model to the pallet of many shades, Photography being its backbone obviously. Now, we can say that the Atlantis girl has become the brand image of our organisation. Image one of this blog is what carries our branding message. The only alteration it as been subjected to from its original state is a 35% white vignette in Photoshop.

The Atlantis series and the Atlantis girl therefore carried a lot of significance for the development of our organization and its artistic direction, and it carries even more now standing as our colors and signature.

Tous droits réservés - all rights reserved : FOTOISO3200/2014

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